The Harvest

October 2005

Just days after writing "In Need of a Savior", I attended a Beth Moore simulcast.  The Holy Spirit spoke volumes to me through Psalm 126.  I have been consuming the seed of the Word of God, but in some areas of my life I have not been sowing it.  All my life I have let insecurity carry me away and distract me.  So many times in my life I have bowed to the idol of security.  The Lord is telling me to "step out!"  take that step of faith.  Believe Him!  And trust in God Almighty.  He is mighty to save.  Praise Your name, Elshadai.

The Harvest

Here I stand with my basket of seed
As the Sower comes
To plant them in my deepest need
And warm them with the Son.
As the Living Water flows
And saturates my soul
I feel the sprouts begin to rise
As new life starts to grow.
O God, I pray the Gardener finds
Soil rich and dark
Fertilized by countless tears
In the depths of my heart.
Now in the distance I can hear
The Harvester come for me ~
His laughter ringing in my ear
Declaring that I am free!
I labor not in vain, I know
For the Harvester's on His way,
As songs of joy burst from my soul
And he carries me away.

"Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy."  
Psalm 126:5 

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